Freshman 15? More like quarantine 15, am I right? Being stuck at home for months with nothing to do except snack on chips and watch reality TV shows, it really isn’t surprising that most people who used to go to the gym routinely have gained a few extra pounds. But hey, there is no one to blame. Now, you have probably decided to diet but have heard that dieting is associated with cutting alcohol. Of course, some alcohol is a must when trying to lose weight, but there are still some ways to sneak in wine without ruining your plans. Now the question is, what wine to drink on a diet?
If your goal is to shed weight, the best wine to enjoy is going to be one with low calories and carbs. The best wines for weight loss are dry wines such as Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and Merlot. Dry sparkling white wines are also great for weight loss. Sweet wines have a much higher carb and calorie count, which may be an obstacle on the path to your health goals. So stick to dry ones!
You may be left wondering how the calories of wine will fit into your eating plan and just how alcohol affects your body. Let’s get into it!
Wine’s Bad Reputation for Weight Loss
Our short answer to the question “what wine to drink on a diet” really isn’t enough information for this interesting topic. Before we explain that part, let’s understand why weight loss experts recommend against drinking alcohol during your weight loss journey.
Allow me to let you on a little secret. It really isn’t the drink that will be sabotaging your weight loss goals. Drinking a glass or two to relax after work isn’t going to stop you from dropping the extra few pounds.
But, it is what happens when you are under the influence of alcohol that impacts your weight loss goals. As I’m sure everyone knows, alcohol lowers your inhibitions.
The Real Problem

This means when you mix the inhibition-lowering effects of alcohol with a plate of sweets, that’s where the problem lies. Many studies have shown that once inhibition is lowered after drinking alcohol, most people are likely to consume more calories from food.
There are a few reasons for this. People tend to eat while they are drinking so they can not get too drunk too early. The thought behind that is that food absorbs some of the alcohol in the stomach and lets the body process the rest slower, meaning the drinker has more time to drink their favorite cocktail.
For other people, bad judgment and cravings go crazy while their inhibitions are lowered. When you’re sober, you know that pizza and ice cream are the forbidden fruits, but all cares are thrown out the window after a few drinks. It’s the food+drink habits that significantly impact your weight. However, there not all is doomed for failure…
Author Note: The same study also showed that those who were conscious of their calorie counts on a regular basis weren’t negatively impacted by the inhibition-lowering alcohol. This means that people who are mindful of what they consume every day can maintain control over their eating when they are drunk.
This means that if you make a habit of mindful eating, you will develop a better sense of the caloric values of food, and food will be a nutritional tool instead of something to make you feel good. Then, you will be able to control your cravings even after a glass or two (or three) of wine.
How Alcohol Acts in Your Body
Before we get to discussing what wine to drink when on a diet, let’s first discover how alcohol does its magic in your body. Think of alcohol as a chaos initiator. In your everyday life, you drink a cup of warm coffee in the morning, eat a healthy salad for lunch, and enjoy your evening with a well-balanced dinner.
In this case, your body knows exactly what each of these foods should go. The carbohydrates, protein, and fat are stored away in their rightful place.
“Ok, there is some muscle damage, so we should send the proteins from our steak there to be processed. Oh, we need to run and catch the bus; let’s use up the sugar from the coffee.!”
Your body functions like a well-oiled machine. Until the chaos is initiated. Once you drink your alcohol, it’s like something exploded in your body, and little particles are running around, wreaking havoc. This is when your body starts to realize that it has to do something to stop it.
Since alcohol is technically a toxin, your body has to stop everything it is doing to process this alcohol. Unlike other nutritional substances, your body doesn’t store alcohol, meaning it must be burnt right away. While your body is trying to process the alcohol(this is where the fun for you begins), the other nutrients are stored to deal with later.
As you can already tell, alcohol leads to a big stop in your metabolism. This is why you should avoid eating heavy meals while drinking or drinking more than two glasses while eating a meal. If you want to snack while you drink, opt for low-calorie options, so your body doesn’t have to store a lot while it’s stopping the chaos.
What Wine To Drink When On A Diet

Sadly, not all wine is created equal. These differences aren’t only in the taste or quality but also in calorie and carbohydrate counts.
Top Tip: If you are aiming to lose some weight, the best wines are Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, or Merlot. So, if you want to enjoy some wine, we recommend a dry or dry sparkling white wine. Sweet wines have a much higher calorie and carbohydrate count, which can damage your health goals.
Here’s a guide to help you understand what wine to drink when on a diet.
Wine Type | Carbs in One Serving | Calories in One Serving |
Champagne | 1.5 | 96 |
Sparkling White Wine | 1.5 | 96 |
Chardonnay | 3.7 | 118 |
Riesling | 5.5 | 118 |
Cabernet Sauvignon | 3.8 | 120 |
Pinot Noir | 3.4 | 121 |
Merlot | 3.7 | 122 |
Syrah | 3.8 | 122 |
Pinot Gris/Pinot Grigio | 3.0 | 122 |
Port | 17.7 | 232 |
Keep in mind that each bottle is different, so these are only approximate numbers. You can also read the information on the bottle when picking what wine to drink when on a diet.
Can I Really Do This?
Now that you know why everyone talks against drinking wine on a diet, how it behaves in your wine, and what wine to drink when on a diet, it’s time to form a healthy habit that will help you reach your weight loss goals in no time. Here are a few tips to help on your journey to the best you!
Watch the Calories
On any health blog and scientific research paper, you will see this phrase: “Excess drinking and weight gain are connected.”
And this is true! But the important word here is “excess.”
There are two forms of excess you must avoid if you want to a successful weight loss journey without giving up wine: calories from your food and calories from wine.
Author Note: Calories from wine actually do count(sadly), and they do impact your body in some ways. But if you enjoy having a few glasses of delicious merlot in the evenings, then just keep in mind that you have to take those 122 – 244 calories into consideration when planning out your week.
Also, remember, as mentioned above, anything you eat while consuming wine will have a bigger impact on your weight than when you aren’t drinking. Instead of drinking some wine with your dinner, try to enjoy your meal a few hours before, so your body has time to process the food without the toxins in your system.
So, when you do drink your wine, your body won’t have to put too much on pause to deal with the alcohol.
Plan Ahead

You’ve heard this one before: everything is good in moderation. Right? But this isn’t really helpful when it comes to alcohol. Especially if you are already feeling a bit tipsy, it may hard to stop the craving for just one more glass.
To stop this from happening, we recommend buying smaller wine glasses, measuring out your servings, or use pre-portioned small wine bottles. In that case, there will be nothing else to drink, even if you do want more.
Watch the Time
Another good way to enjoy your wine while aiming for weight loss is to spread your drinks over time. Promise yourself (or a trusted friend who’s supporting your goals) that you can only have one glass per hour.
This is going to give your body enough time to process the toxins and prevents you from entering that phase of no inhibitions. You keep your control, you enjoy your favorite wine, and you can go on reaching your goals!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I drink wine and still lose weight?
Absolutely. The key to success with weight loss is moderation. As long as you drink wine moderately rather than on a regular basis, and stay in your calorie deficit, you can continue to lose weight.
Which wine is lowest in calories?
Some of the most low calorie wine include:
- Prosecco, which is only 90 calories per serving.
- Dry Riesling is 120 calories per serving.
- Chardonnay is 120 calories per serving.
- Pinot Noir is 125 calories per serving.
Overall, there are many low calorie options available when it comes to wine. Although these are low calorie wines, ensure that you’re also mindful of the sugar and alcohol content, not just the calories.
What’s the healthiest wine to drink?
Red wine is the healthiest wine to drink thanks to being rich in antioxidants. This is because red wine ferments with the grape skins. You can learn more about how each wine type fares in terms of healthiness in our article “Is Wine Good For You?”.
What is skinny wine?
Skinny wine is wine produced and fermented with grapes that are low in sugar. Compared to other wines, skinny wine will have about 30% less calories.
As you can see, you don’t have to fully cut out wine from your plans if you wish to reach your weight loss goals. Before you buy a bottle, always look for the carb and calorie counts! Use small bottles or even small glasses to keep control of how much you drink.
Remember, hide the snacks when you drink and try to eat your meal before the wine. So, don’t let anything stop you from reaching your goals, including your love of wine!
To living a full-bodied life,