Wesley’s Wine Tips is run by Wesley and some of her friends in San Francisco. Our goal is to be your top resource for anything wine. We cover wine tasting tips, how-to articles, equipment reviews, and anything else we think you’ll find interesting.
Wesley grew up in Sonoma County and was surrounded by wine culture from the get-go. Her mother was an assistant professor of Oenology and shared her love of the science of wine with Wesley from a very young age. Since then Wesley has traveled the world in her quest to learn everything about wine. She has traveled to Portugal to visit the Duoro valley, as well as Burgundy in France to learn about French winemaking.
After many years of soaking in wide-ranging wine topics from vertical tasting to how to recognize wine defects, Wesley is proud to share some of her knowledge with you.
Dedicated to living a full-bodied life,
Contact me at : wesley@wesleywinetips.com